Devil's Bedroom Banner

Devil's Bedroom Banner
Thanks to moonlit-wishes!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


In case you haven't noticed, i deleted DB. For a good reason.

As i was re-reading some of the earlier chapters i realized all the grammar mistakes and plot holes.

So, in order for this story to be the best it can be, i have to redo the beginning, and this might take awhile.

So have so patients!

Lots and lots of gropes and love,

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Still alive!

Hello, my dear followers,

just here to say that I'm still alive and breathing, completely pooped, but breathing,

and starting a little something new that i think you will all enjoy!

Gropes and Kisses,
Shnarky ^_^

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Woot woot!

Banner contest updates!

Alright, here are the the entries so far!

Friday, August 6, 2010


So, I just posted the Satan's Smirk on.

and i need a banner...that doesn't suck ass like mine..


I doubt anyone is even reading this.

*pulls up sleeves*

Alright, ima be BitchySnarky for a moment.

Okay, for all of those who have written negative reviews, -no, not constructive ones- listen up.

Getting a bad review is equal to sending your child off to kindergarten, and then having a stranger tell you how stupid and ugly your kid is, and how much of a horrible job u did raising them. and then spitting in your face. It fucking stings.

You're just asking for a bitchslappin'

And now SnarkySnarky is back ^_^

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Anudder Storii? WOT?

Yeah, so i've been having this idea floating in my head, and wondered what you guys would think.

So here goes...


I'm sorry, Mrs. Swan,” the doctor said grimly. The small woman stiffened in her blue hospital gown.

The brain scan has showed-”

Don't try that with me!” she spoke sternly. The frail woman knew this was a possibility, but it didn't mean she was so completely trusting in science she would abort her own child.

I will not get rid of her, just because of your goddamn brain scan.” The soon-to-be mother hissed, crossing her frail arms across her slightly flushed chest. The doctor gazed at the chart in his hands and gave a small sigh of agitation.

This was not the first mother to throw a fit.

It is not necessary, but heavily recommended.” The young man spoke calmly, trying to pacify the frantic woman.

She narrowed her eyes, but sat back down on the cold cushioned table. Brain scans were mandatory now – as much as she hated to admit it. She would have to be one of those mothers, ones that cannot trust their children as much as they want to. Ones that have to constantly monitor their offspring, awaiting the moment that would inevitably come. Her child was going to be one of few with a special mind. The mind of a killer.


Yes? Are we liking?

Tell me what you think?

Fucking Critics..

So, i just rewrote the last part of the last chapter. Hopefully it fucking satisfies people...*smothers self*